Hair Loss in Women: Causes and Treatment Solutions

When you order custom furniture, buy a car or order tailored clothes, you know exactly what you will get, because a relevant vendor has a prototype showcasing its deliverable. We are one of the few clinics in the world, which can show photos of our patients before and after they underwent treatment at our hospital. Basically, we show they final result that you are expected to achieve.

Do you think that photographs of clinic’s interior or equipment that they use will impact your personal treatment result? Think twice! If the medical provider does not show the results of his/her work, do you think that they will be able to treat you?

Our hair loss and alopecia (alopecia areata, patchy hair loss, circular hair loss, etc) treatment protocols, including proprietary protocols for treatment of severe forms of hair loss, e.g. alopecia totalis (scalp hair loss) and alopecia universalis (universal form of hair loss that leads to total hair loss on both the body and scalp, including eyebrows and eyelashes) are the result of fundamental clinical studies and practice spanning over 30+ years.

Research and associated studies opened a window of opportunity that allowed us to successfully treat patients with various types of alopecia. Wide-scale out-patient treatment of alopecia sufferers began back in 1983 which allowed hundreds of patients to see a purpose in life, throw away hateful wigs and live a full high-quality life.

Every individual suffering from this disease knows very well how a small emerging focus of alopecia leads to full hair loss on the head and on the body in just a few months and in some severe cases even faster.

In order to start treatment, please, fill out the application form and we will get back to you shortly!!!

Solitary foci of hair loss in alopecia (Alopecia areata) patients is easily treatable, although recurrence of the disease is possible. Severe forms of hair loss require great patience and prolonged treatment periods. Due to the fact that these forms of hair loss rarely occur in the practices of your average dermatologists, the later do not even try to treat them. Men have nothing but to come to terms with their condition and women wear wigs for the rest of their lives.

Patchy hair loss (Alopecia areata) most commonly starts from a small focus of hair loss with a diameter of 2 cm on average, usually located on the scalp area. However we have also observed patient cases where initial foci of hair loss is visible on the eyebrows, eyelashes, beard, pubis, body and extremities. Commonly the initial focus of hair loss expands to a certain size.

If the diameter of areas affected by hair loss does not exceed 8 – 10 cm in total it signals a favorable outcome of the disease. If additional foci emerge and affected areas account to at least 2/3 of the overall scalp area then there is a 50% chance that the ongoing disease may lead to total hair loss.

In order to begin treatment please fill the application form for treatment or contact us!!!

According to our observations the speedier foci of hair loss emerge, the higher is the possibility of the transition of the disease into the total form of alopecia (Alopecia totalis) or universal form of hair loss (Alopecia universalis).

Most often hair loss occurs at the ages of 18 through 35. Unfortunately hair loss (alopecia) also occurs in children. The earliest age of incurrence of the disease that we observed was in a 6 month old baby. Children ages 5-7 and 12-14 years are most affected by children’s alopecia.

Cases of hereditary circular forms of hair loss (alopecia) (passed from parents to children) are very rare among residents of central and north regions of Russia. However hereditary-related cases are not rare among residents of southern regions of Russia. In our practice we observed only two cases of hereditary alopecia (Alopecia areata) in family members living in the central part of Russia. First case involved a father who lost all of his hair at the age of 18 due to development of alopecia universalis. His son upon reaching the age of 17 also lost most of his hair. The later was admitted and diagnosed with alopecia totalis, and we successfully treated him restoring full hair growth. The second case pertained to a 40-year-old woman, who suffered from Alopecia totalis starting from the age of 21. Her three year old daughter was initially affected by alopecia areata and without timely treatment her condition transformed within a period of only three months into total form of alopecia (Alopecia totalis). We were able to treat her and achieve sustainable hair growth.

Alopecia may lead to in-depth changes in the psychological well-being and emotional status of a patient. Diffuse or patchy hair loss may thwart life plans, cost a patient his family and/or career. This is especially true for younger patients... This disease represents a significant challenge to people affected by it.

Passers-by and even our loved ones, who, as a rule, have never faced this disease, react to it inadequately. However, hair loss and alopecia should be perceived as a common chronic health issue, such as diabetes, and of course, this is not a condition to be ashamed of or to be embarrassed of.

Hair loss is a disease with a multi-faceted pathogenesis (triggered by a variety of non-uniform factors). That is why generally accepted methods of treatment nowadays are lacking.

Back in 1986 we studied mitotic activity of keratinocytes and distribution of these epidermal cells among phases of cell cycle, using flow laser cytometry. This research showed a decreased level of proliferation (the rate of cell division) of epidermal cells in the foci of alopecia in comparison to healthy tissues located in the vicinity of affected areas, where normal growth of hair was preserved. In other words, in the foci of hair loss the cell division rate is significantly lower than in the surrounding healthy tissues. This research provided an opportunity to identify one of the main elements in the pathology of alopecia (hair loss). The deceleration of division of cells makes hair follicles (which form from epidermal cells) prematurely transition into a rest stage (telogen) on the whole affected area at the very same time, which leads to hair loss in that area. This revolutionary finding provided an opportunity to increase the efficacy of treatment of hair loss even in patients suffering from severe forms of hair loss.

We can say, based on our extensive practice, that the true result (full restoration of hair growth) can be achieved if the disease occurred not earlier than 10-12 years ago. This means that severe forms of alopecia (Alopecia Areata), i.e. alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis are treatable, while your hair follicles remain viable.

Our alopecia treatment protocols consist of several (outpatient) sessions conducted with a 70-100-day break in between them. Such treatment sessions must be repeated. The required number of outpatient courses depends on the duration and degree of severity of the disease. Usually 2-3 customized outpatient sessions are required.

First hair (possibly with depigmented ends) appears after the first-second course of treatment. Restoration of the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes requires special procedures. Treatment of hair loss is not interrupted during the break in-between outpatient sessions. The patient independently takes prescribed medication and performs procedures during the 70-100 day intervals. We treat patients from all corners of the globe.

If you make up your mind to undergo treatment of hair loss (alopecia) under our guidance, you must understand that only meticulous execution of all medical instructions/prescriptions will give you an opportunity to achieve the result that we jointly seek.

Dr. Undritsov, MD, PhD, Member of the New York Academy of Sciences, Active Member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, Head of the Rejuvenology Department of the Russian National Research Medical University.
