International Alopecia Areata Hospital is specialized in treatment of all forms of hair loss, alopecia, acomia. Our medical personnel will perform comprehensive diagnostics and will identify the cause that triggered your hair loss.
We treat all stages of patchy alopecia (acomia), including Alopecia Totalis and Alopecia Universalis, diffuse hair loss and Androgenetic Alopecia in women.
35 years ago Dr. Undrits, MD, PhD made a discovery on deceleration of division of cells in foci of alopecia in patients with circular forms of alopecia, which provided an opportunity to take a new look at the issue of treatment of alopecia and hair loss.
This finding was published in the “Study of the proliferation of keratinocytes in patients with alopecia areata using the flow cytofluorometry technic” article (Vestn Dermatol Venerol. 1987;(1):10-3)".
Acta Derm Venereol, 1992;72(3):161-4. и “Lesional alopecia areata T lymphocytes downregulate epithelial cell proliferation” (Thein C, Strange P, Hansen ER, Baadsgaard O.) Arch Dermatol Res. 1997, Jun;289(7):384-8.
If the duration of your illness does not exceed 10-12 years we restore the growth of hair within one-three treatment cycles. If the duration of your illness is longer, the course of treatment of acomia will be longer.
We restore growth of eyebrows and eyelashes.
If you have patchy hair loss this site is for you.
It is precisely this web site that you have looked for a long time. We have a medical program for hair regrowth in the caseof Alopecia areata and its severe forms Alopecia totalis and Alopecia universalis (total hair loss). Our medical program is the result of 20 years of fundamental and clinical research.
24 years ago a scientific breakthrough was performed which changed our understanding of mechanisms of alopecia areata “Study of the proliferation of keratinocytes in patients with alopecia areata using the flow cytofluorometry technic”.
Several years late it was confirmed by an indirect approach “Abnormal expression of Ki-67 antigen in hair follicle of alopecia areata” (van Baar HM, Perret CM, van Vlijmen IM, van de Kerkhof PC, Happle R, Schalkwijk J.) and “Lesional alopecia areata T lymphocytes downregulate epithelial cell proliferation” (Thein C, Strange P, Hansen ER, Baadsgaard O.).
If duration of your disease has not exceed 10-12 years we promise complete recovery of hair growth in 1 to 3 individual specialized treatment courses. If continuance of the disease exceeds 10-12 years the recovery time may take longer.
We recover growth of eyebrows and eyelashes.
If you are an Alopecia areata sufferer add this site to your bookmarks.
Remember every form of Alopecia areata is curable. We have everything needed to help you.
UNDRITS (Undritsov), PhD, MD,
Head of International Alopecia Areata Hospital